Dziwny problem z zarządzaniem urządzeniami przez opere....

w dziale Strony WWW w Operze
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Problem polega na tym iż z poziomu opery nie mogę zarządzać jednym z urządzeń sieciowych.
Oczywiście zalogować się mogę...

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	<TITLE>Configuration</TITLE><LINK rel="stylesheet" href="/orinoco/css/global.css">
	<SCRIPT language="javascript" src="/orinoco/scripts/library.js"></SCRIPT>

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							<SCRIPT language="javascript">
		                            		var ProductId  = "";													
                                                                var slotA = '6 ';
		                            		        var slotB = '6 ';
		                            		        var secModeA = '1';  
		                            		        var secModeB = '1';  
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<TD bgcolor="white" height="95%" valign="top">
	<TABLE bgcolor="white" style="margin-left:25px; margin-bottom:25; margin-top: 5px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="588">
			<TD class="header">Configure</TD>
			<TD class="verbiage">
				<P>There are ten main categories of configuration for the access point, which may be 
				changed to suit your network properties and configuration.</P>
				<hr color="#B4C3D" align="left" size="1">
				<P><b><A HREF="system.html">System</b></A> is used to configure specific system information such as system name and contact information.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="net-ipconf.html">Network</b></A> is used to configure IP settings, DNS client, DHCP server, DHCP relay agent, and Link Integrity.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="if-wirA-detect.html">Interfaces</b></A> is used to configure the access point operational modes and interfaces: Wireless and Ethernet.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="mgt-passwords.html">Management</b></A> is used to configure the access point management Passwords, IP Access Table, Services and Auto Configuration, and Configurable Hardware Reset to Defaults feature.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="filt-eth.html">Filtering</b></A> is used to configure Ethernet Protocol filters, Static MAC Address filters, Advanced filters, and Port filters.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="alarm-groups.html">Alarms</b></A> is used to enable and disable Alarm (SNMP Trap) Groups, configure the Alarm Host Table, the Syslog, and the Rogue Scan feature.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="bridge-spanning.html">Bridge</b></A> is used to configure the Spanning Tree Protocol, Storm Threshold protection, Intra BSS traffic, and Packet Forwarding.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="QoSPolicies.html">QoS</b></A> is used to configure the Quality of Service (QoS) feature. This tab can be used to configure QoS Policies, Priority Mapping and EDCA values.</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="rad-radius.html">RADIUS Profiles</b></A> is used to configure RADIUS Profiles for servers used for MAC based RADIUS Authentication, EAP/802.1x, and Accounting</P>
				<P><b><A HREF="vlanGroups.html">SSID/VLAN/SECURITY</b></A> is used to configure multiple SSID's for each wireless interface(s), VLAN properties, MAC Access Control, and Security Profiles.</P>




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