Witam czy istnieje możliwość zablokowania ustawionej przezemnie strony głównej tak ,aby inny użytkownik komputera nie był w stanie jej przestawić ?
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Ustawić prawa pliku opera6.ini na tylko do odczytu
w System Administrator's Handbook jest napisane
System fixed
The "system fixed" is where the system administrator can put non-overridable settings, such as proxy settings and such. This file, under Windows, should be placed in the system directory and (also) named "opera6.ini". On Linux this should be /etc/operarc.fixed (on Windows is called %SYSDIR%\opera6.ini, and on Linux /etc/operarc.fixed). Since "system directory" varies from system to system, this means that normally the placement would be \WINNT\SYSTEM32 on Windows NT and \WINDOWS\SYSTEM on Windows 9x.
The "system fixed" file overrides anything that is specified in the "opera6.ini" user file.
This means, for example, that if you set:
[User Prefs]
Home URL=http://www.opera.com/
...in the system fixed, then you cannot change to another global homepage in Opera. These settings can not be overridden by the user, although they will be visibly available in the preference dialogues. (See [Menu Prefs Settings] for info on hiding preference dialogs from the GUI.)
czyli po naszemu musisz stworzyc plik "opera6.ini" w katalogu <katalog windows>\SYSTEM (win 9x/me) lub <katalog windows>\SYSTEM32 (winnt i xp), i wpisac do niego taki kod
[User Prefs] Home URL=http://www.opera.com/